Thursday, November 3, 2011

Should I apply for Aadhar Card? Is UID Aadhar Card Important?

Is the Aadhar card necessary? What are the benefits, why should I apply for one? ‘Aadhar Card’ is must for all Indians says Chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India, Nandan Nilekani, At a function in Pune, Nilekani said that lack of proof of identity remains a barrier for many Indians, particularly at a time of large level rural-to-urban migration. “The moment you become a migrant, you are rendered anonymous in terms of drawing benefits such as ration card supplies, public health, education schemes etc.,” he said. Nilekani said that of country's 1.2 billion population, only 50 million i.e. less than 5% hold a passport, close to 100 million people have PAN cards and another 200 million have driving licenses. "A vast section of people does not have any ID proof,” he said.

Aadhar Card is Important 
There is an urgent need to standardize the personal identification system of India with our population on a vertical fast track. You cannot implement the policies, taxation, control black markets, security, human resource development unless you have an accurate base data of all the people. It will lead not only to Identity proof cause but to monitor country's population and then devising way to get it better. Nisha Matthews, a banker says, “Only 35 percent of Indians have identity, so applying for an ID card is a good move”
Till date we do not have any up to date soft copy database of all the people living in india. Aadhar is creating a soft database of all people which will be very easy and handy way to track people, population, their activities, track and nab down criminal activities and crimes. I feel we are far behind but on track. And their is need to create more awareness among common people about Aadhar. It's purpose and motive.

Aadhar Card is not important
The criticism against Aadhar Card is leakage of personal and confidential information. Sharad, a market research analyst says, “The government wants to give other governments access to personal data of citizens to other governents online.Why is all our data online open to the world. Prateik feels, “ The government wants to give other governments access to personal data of citizens to other governents online.Why is all our data online open to the world.

Anand Tripathi feels Aadhar card is just time waste. “Now the Question comes, which card has validity to proof identiity? Voter card, Passport, Pan card, Ration card, driving licence OR AADHAR CARD. In my view any citizen access any one card of the above it is sufficient for them to utilise the same for any government /identity purpose. This is nothing but onle a wastage of time and money or government should define any one card for all indian as identity and abolish all other cards issued by different agencies. He adds tha Aadhar is just one more useless card . is the rationcard doung any good other than loading pocktes of ration sopkeepers with black money . another card another way to corruption

Mah Dass from London writes “The High commission of India in London will not accept Post dated birth certificate from Municipality/Panchayat etc., unless they are invariably be certified by the Indian First Class Magistrate of the area with name, stamp, seal and contact telephone numbers with area code for verification. Why need for Aadhaar card and who is going to accept them?

What do you think, is Aadhar Card important, should one apply for Aadhar UID card?


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