Want to brainwash or bore people?
Your destination ends at India TV.
India TV is known to resort to trash journalism of the worst kind, that can easily get on your nerves. It takes just one clipping and plays it on for a mind numbing 40 minutes. I once came upon a piece of news where somewhere in Kanyakumari, a car went over two engineers in a busy street. India TV played the same clipping for 40 minutes(the clipping was repeated for 70 times) with the news reader telling the same incident in different ways, till I had to switch off the television in frustration.
India TV takes some video clipping from the internet or Home Videos ,where someone is shown doing an exceptional feat and plays it post prime-time. It talks about how their camera men have managed to take the video. Never before I have seen any channel like this, which harps continuously on its achievements; when it is actually next to none
I had thought about writing this post everytime but deliberately put it off, till I could not do so any longer, especially since I saw something yesterday that gave me the much needed dosage to write this post. IndiaTV newscasters lambasted Shahrukh Khan for being joyous about his victory on the evening when there were blasts in Jaipur. Come on, to air such stuff is sheer stupidity! Shahrukh Khan was positively happy about his match which had nothing do with Jaipur blasts. But the news made it seem as if Shahrukh Khan was the villain of the piece. The news channel made statements against Shahrukh Khan saying that he is busy with fun and games whereas his bretheren is writhing in pain. India TV has to mind its choice of words and needless character assassination which it subjects upon people. Such kind of mud-slinging, mis-reporting and manipulative coverage is totally uncalled for. The appropriate authorities should keep a close on the news channel and monitor the fare that is dished out.